Friday, July 25, 2008

iphone - why the hell not in israel ?

i dont understand - why the hell Aplle doesnt sell iphone in israel.

i guess apple dont know that there are more then 12,000 iphone's in israel working.

for some reason apple declare many new countries on their iphone 3G relase and didnt include israel to be one of them.

why? there is a huge demand for iphone in isarel !

isrealies love gadgets and cell phones. there are more 5,000,000 users in 4 cell compnies.

look at all the countries that apple relaes iphone to how come israel not on the list ??

iphone in israel coast about 750-900 dollars!!

apples iphone is huge here!

it took me about a year to get my hand on a new iphone .

i paid about 500 dollars for it, and im glad, but why the hell they dont sell it here leaglly?

if there is any one nice that read it, and wants to send blog live a free iphone i would love it.

any way, we hope we will have iphone here for sell, if not we all drive to jordan and get one.

israel demands iphone !!

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