Friday, July 25, 2008

GILAD SHALIT - Free Gilad Shalit

gilad shalit is held in the gaza strip longer then 2 yrs.

Gilad (21) was born on 08/28/1986. He is the son of Aviva and Noam Schalit from Mitzpe Hilla in the Western Galilee and the brother of Yoel (24) and Hadas (17).

Gilad shalit Gilad began his military service in 2005 Since the attack at Kerem Shalom on Sunday, 06/25/2006, Gilad has been held in the Gaza Strip by Hamas.

we are waiting for gilad shalit more then 2 yrs and we want him back.

best blog is calling to the israel and to the U.S goverment to press the HAMAS to bring gilad shalit back home!

best blog believe we should do any thing possible in order to bring our boy home after we brougt udi and eldad its time to bring back gilad shalit.

we should do our best in order to bring gilad shalit a live to his family.

may god be with gilad shalit and take care of him and bring him back home

Gilad Shalit video from You tube

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